Post by colbie on Jan 22, 2010 10:33:38 GMT -5
and if you let go, then i'll let go tonight.[/center]
"well, good evening. my full name is colbert windsor harris, however most friends call me colbie and everyone else just calls me doctor. as of last, august, the 19th to be specific, i'm thirty years of age. daunting, isn't it? not so bad though, if i say so myself. i'm male, as you can tell -- or at least, as i hope you can tell. my sisters used to tell me i'd make a great transvestite if -- no, no, nevermind. probably not an appropriate time to go waffling on about that kind of thing. well anyway, i grew up over in london, england and moved here when i finished school, complete with the highest grades in my year, to study psychiatry. my parents had no problem affording the move or the payments -- it's safe to say they never have a problem affording anything, seeing as they're pretty fucking -- sorry -- bloody rich. they never approved of my experimental exploits in college, so i guess you could say i'm of the heterosexual variety, but really i don't mind. is that greedy of me? no, nevermind, i didn't just ask you that...
i suppose you can tell i'm a little self-concious, but that's just the nerves. i am a very good therapist though, which is why i'm here i guess, 'cause from what i've seen, there aren't many other good therapists at alkaline. sorry, that was rude. but anyway, physically speaking, i'm in good shape -- not to say i'm not in good shape mentally speaking, but -- oh fuck it, you get what i mean. i'm about six foot in height, as of current have blonde in my hair but i'm naturally darker and i've got blue eyes. my ex used to tell me i look like jude law, but i'm not sure if that's a good thing. maybe over here less people will mistake me for him."
[/size][/font]"medical history? what, like drugs and that? well, i suppose i went a bit mad in college, like i said, but it's got no effect on what i'm like as a person now. in relation to other stuff, well, i used to play rugby -- i was a winger -- so i've had my shoulder dislocated a few too many times and more cracked ribs than i can count. i broke my wrist once too and my knee's a little fucked up -- so alright, my statements on good physical shape failed to mention that i'm a little delicate, but who doesn't want to have a shoulder that pops in and out of the socket of it's own will? let me try and think what else, because i think i'm forgetting something. well, it might not be in my medical history, but my aunt and uncle did have shared psychotic disorder. it's not genetic or anything, so it's nothing to do with me. it didn't even inspire me to be a psychiatrist, because it happened after i'd graduated. i don't know, somehow it seemed important enough to mention."
[/size][/font]"me, i'm a bit of a quirky guy. i always try my best not to lick my lips when eating a sugar doughnut, but it never works; i'm constantly fiddling with keys, money, whatever; i need a nice strong cup of tea at night to help me get to sleep; i need an even stronger cup of coffee in the morning to wake me and i have a tendency to run my fingers along my lips without realising it. beyond that, i love all things photography, i'm a huge fan of old cinema and old hollywood, i'm completely fascinated by english history and i still can't comprehend the world's recent obsession with vampires. there probably isn't any kind of tea that i haven't tried either. i hate the thought of small spaces i can't get out of and i need to be out of bed by eight in the morning. even i don't know what happens if i'm not. i can't remember when that started though, because considering my history of parties, i must've been running on about one hours sleep most days. i can't stand tom cruise or celebrity babies, although i love children myself.
regarding the patients, i like trying the friendly but firm approach. during therapy sessions i'm very abrupt, to the point and vocal. very little of the sitting and staring shite. outside of therapy i try getting along with the patients as best as possible. there's no convincing some, but i've even played chess and cards with a few of the others -- supervised, of course, because a few of them would probably have no problems tearing my organs out and i know that. i've got a prowess in persuasiveness however and i'm good enough at calming people down. doesn't really work on me though, which is a pity, because i tend to get a little angry sometimes -- never in front of the patients, because that would be suicide, but elsewhere. y'know yourself. i like a good drink after work to relax and by way of one night stands, there's probably been a few too many. it's not even a case of filling the hole my ex-wife left either, it's just that i'm fascinated by people and if i'm watching someone because they fascinate me, they generally pick it up the wrong way and really, when i'm not dealing with a patient, i find it impossible to say no. maybe that's a weakness of mine, i'm not sure. i'm not sure about a lot to be honest, but i'm very good at faking it. sometimes i wonder if i'd be better off acting or something. maybe law. what do you think?"
[/size][/font]"before you go looking for it, there's no childhood trauma in my past. my parents were lovely people, still are in fact. they might have spoiled me a little but i had good morals and a friendly disposition with unbelievable grades and an excellent reputation at the same time. i was the fucking king, actually, looking back on it. lord knows how i managed all of it, but i did. i never cheated on my girlfriends, i got on superbly with my teachers, i had a few quarrels here and there with my siblings but i was still very close to them. i have three brothers and two sisters. the girls were obviously very close but i got along well with them too. out of the boys, charlie, my oldest brother, was probably closest to me. despite the 6 year age gap, i used to hang out with him and his friends and maybe that's what made me a little more popular and a little more mature. of course being on the rugby team helped too and frankly, without me, they never really got anywhere. i loved the feeling of being loved and needed and life was all roses and daisies. but when i got to my last year of school, i don't even know what made me want to move to the us. i was happy in england, loved it there, loved my friends, my family. if i recall correctly, i was going to go the route of business, like my father, maybe take over his pharmaceutical company or something. but somewhere along the way i guess something changed. i moved over here, got into med school, followed the path of psychiatry and ended up here.
oh wait, i'm forgetting something. annie, my ex. we met on the plane when i was moving over here and it just so happened we were going to be studying in the same college. we exchanged words, numbers, saliva, blah blah blah, i'm sure you get the picture and three years later i proposed to her. she said yes, everything was great and my life was working itself out. we got married, my whole family was there, it was fantastic. then aunt jen and uncle joel had their whole folie à deux episode and i had to head home for a little while, although we'd graduated. apparently, they'd been having hallucinations of some kind of demons or ghosts or some totally wacked out bullshit like that. i dealt with it, helped out with the prognosis and when i got back to the us, annie was pregnant. i'd never been happier. before you go assuming things, she had the kid, my boy, damien. that was about five years ago now. wondering what happened since? yeah, so am i. one day annie comes home, hands me divorce papers and i just laughed. i didn't know what was going on. when i realised she was serious, i threw a fit, as you can imagine. thankfully little dame-o was off with my best friend jake and he didn't have to witness the huge blow-out between me and his mum.
after that, everything happened pretty fast. annie moved out, we got a divorce; she tried to take full custody, the bitch, but i managed to wrangle a shared custody agreement with her, although she does have damien a bit more than i do, but that works well considering my work hours. now i'm here, in this nut-house, a little bit bitter but overall doing okay and that's my life story so far. thirty, divorced, father of one, psychiatrist to too many and alright, i'll finally admit, going a bit mad myself. not literally though and definitely not openly. unlike the patients, i'm not stupid enough to act crazy in public."
[/size][/font]"not as such. i apologise for getting a little worked up the longer this went on. i'm just a little tired. i've got work in the morning again, y'know? fuck, actually, i've got that bloody nutcase david, no less. FUUUCKK."
[/size][/font]hey, my name is CLEO.[/color] i have FIFTEEN[/color] tracks spinning on my record. this is my SECOND[/color] character. i have been roleplaying for FIVE YEARS[/color]. the password is silicone and saline poison, inject me.[/color].[/font][/size]
see david elijah largo. :)