Post by remmy on Jan 17, 2010 0:36:02 GMT -5
and if you let go, then i'll let go tonight.[/center]
"They call me Remmington Dustan Martin here. They say this is my full name. They have showed me the file with tis name on it, printed clearly in block letters. It is a neat little name and sometimes the staff call me Remmy as a nickname. This is all a lie though, a façade. My name is Samael. That is my true name. Samael. I deal with being called Remmy though. They tell me I am 17 years old, I have seen a false birth certificate. This is also a lie. There are many lies within these walls. I am thousands of years old and they know this. They just want to cover it up. I have lived longer than any of them. I know I have. I have sat through high school even tough it is far outside my age range. I have been here for a very long time, forever it seems, but what is forever to me after thousands of years. I like the company of both men and women but human beings are beneath me when it comes to matters that are sexual in nature. I have, however, been know to sleep with more than one person of varying genders. Sex is nice, it cleanses the soul, it is a purifying ritual. I have been told I look like a young boy named Alexander Evans but I disagree. I am far older than him. I like my appearance. My eyes are bright blue and my hair dark and I have wonderful, beautiful wings that the staff hear refuse to see. They say I have no wings, I am just a boy, but I can see my wings, I can feel them when I fly. They lie to me quite a lot here."
[/size][/font]"There is nothing mentally wrong with me and in this way I do not belong in a place like this. I am often agitated that the staff keep me chained up here when I am an angle, the incarnation of Lucifer BEFORE he fell from grace, sent back to do right in the world like Lucifer himself has never done, greater than things God himself has done. This is what I am for. This is why I am here. But they keep me locked up, saying I am a danger to myself and unable to cope with reality. They try to feed me drugs but I do not comply. I do not need to be drugged. The drugs make me forget who I am and my purpose here on this earth. They cloud my memories and make me believe lies. I hate them. I eat very little because they crush the pills up in my food. I do not need to eat to have strength anyway. I know they weaken me here, take away my powers. It is not right.
They tell me I am delusional and paranoid, that I have no concept of reality, but this is false. It is they who are wrong. They are delusional, they have no concept of reality. If they knew who and what I was they would not keep me here among the broken human beings that this place holds. They would let me out and do my duties. But I will wait for them. I will outlive them all. I am an angel, I can do that. I can wait and bide my time.
I was brought here because someone stole my wings and made it impossible for my to fly away. I had somewhere to go and they stole my wings as I flew off my roof. I was brought here and put on suicide watch. They would not listen to me. They poked and prodded me and told me lies. But I was only trying to fly. It was not my fault someone stole my wings."
[/size][/font]"I am an angel. I love flying and I love the air. I hate being kept locked up here indoors and I go outside every chance I get. I belong among the sky. I long to be among my own kind, in the sky with the other angels and the birds and other flying things. I often stand with my arms outstretched in the out doors, wishing I could have my wings back. I don’t like being confined inside brick walls. I don’t like being told when to eat and sleep. I don’t like going to pointless therapy and listening to lies. I hate these doctors here who stole my powers and made me weak and took my wings. I know they keep my powers somewhere here, locked away from me and from the light. I pray for them back every night and I look for them constantly. I am always thwarted though, locked in detention, force fed my pills. I loath it.
I feel bad for these poor broken souls confined in these walls and I am even attached to some of them. I long for them to find themselves in this messed up place. I want them to get better, I want to fix them myself but I can not. Not as I am. I fear I will never be released sometimes, though this is a silly fear. If I need to I can wait until they all die off, until they forget about me but I fear that by hen it will be to late for me o fix what is left of the world.
I like people and I like humanity though they are beneath me. I appreciate them as one may appreciate the intricate structure of an ant colony. I simply appreciate what they have done and what they may do. Yes I have engaged in relations with human beings, usually when the doctors feed me meds and I forget myself and what they am. There are a few humans here who are so amazingly beautiful that I simply let myself touch and want and desire. They are male and female, I do not limit myself, I have no need to."
[/size][/font]"I come from the earth and the moonlight and the sun. I come from nature and something entirely ethereal. I was not born so much as created. These are the memories stolen from me and I remember little of my actual creation. I remember flying when I was young and being told my mission to save the world by God himself. I remember watching the beginning of the world and spending many years or decade or eons (time meant nothing then) watching people from afar (up in the shy). I remember watching them build their cities and towns and grown and prosper and fall. I remember many things. A lot happened over the history of time and I wondered lost for a long time, wondering what precisely to do to fulfill my mission.
I lived, over the years, among many human families. There was a young couple in the middle ages who lost a daughter to the plague but escaped themselves. They were sweet and religious and nurtured my angelic side. They saw me as a blessing and I hope I was for them. There was a single mother around the time of the first world war who lost three sons to the fighting and one daughter to grief and despair. I brought her hope and comfort in my time with her.
My most recent family blessed me with a younger brother who was lonely and sad and often picked on. I comforted him and brought him strength. My parents though, they questioned me. They did not believe me. They watched me and saw nothing of who I really was. I pitied them for this. They did not have the faith they needed. They did not have the faith of my younger brother,
I came here and they told me my parents pulled me off my rooftop trying to jump. They tell me I never had a younger brother They tell me many things that are simply not true. I know the truth though, despite the lies and despite the drugs. I know what is real."
[/size][/font]"I can think of little else."
[/size][/font]hey, my name is TWITCH.[/color] i have 19[/color] tracks spinning on my record. this is my SECOND[/color] character. i have been roleplaying for eight years or so[/color]. the password is silicone and saline, poison, inject me [/color].[/font][/size]
check milo?.